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Zacchaeus Promise, Presenting Sponsor $20,000

  • Premier recognition on all Brown Robe printed and electronic material
  • Recognition on Capuchin website
  • Logo on website with link to sponsor site
  • Full page ad and logo in event program
  • Name and logo projected onto large screen and recognition from stage
  • Two (2) Sponsor tables (20 guest seats) **
  • Ten (10) valet parking passes **
  • Twenty (20) tickets to Sponsor Pre-Party Reception**
  • Invitation to post-event reception at the St. Francis Friary
  • Recognition in the Winter Edition of the Provincial Porter
  • Induction into the Capuchins' Padre Pio Giving Society
  • Commemorative Gift

Footsteps of St. Francis Sponsor $10,000
  • Prime recognition on all Brown Robe printed and electronic material
  • Recognition on Capuchin website
  • Logo on website with link to sponsor site
  • Full page ad and logo in event program
  • Name and logo projected onto large screen and recognition from stage
  • Two (2) Sponsor tables (20 guest seats) **
  • Ten (10) valet parking passes **
  • Twenty (20) tickets to Sponsor Pre-Party Reception
  • Invitation to post-event reception at the St. Francis Friary
  • Recognition in the Winter Edition of the Provincial Porter
  • Induction into the Capuchins' Padre Pio Giving Society
  • Commemorative Gift

Partners of Padre Pio Sponsor $5,000

  • Recognition on all Brown Robe Benefit printed and electronic material
  • Recognition on Capuchin website
  • Logo on website with link to sponsor site
  • 1/2 page ad and logo in event program
  • Name and logo projected onto large screen and recognition from stage
  • One (1) sponsor table (10 guest seats) **
  • Five (5) valet parking passes **
  • Ten (10) tickets to Sponsor Pre-Party Reception**
  • Invitation to post-event reception at the St. Francis Friary
  • Recognition in the Winter Edition of the Provincial Porter
  • Induction into the Capuchins' St. Bonaventure Giving Society
  • Commemorative Gift

Instruments of Peace Sponsor $2,500

  • Recognition on Capuchin website
  • Name projected onto large screen and recognition from stage
  • One (1) sponsor table (10 guest seats) **
  • Five (5) tickets to Sponsor Pre-Party Reception **
  • Invitation to post-event reception at the St. Francis Friary
  • Recognition in the Winter Edition of the Provincial Porter
  • Induction into the Capuchins’ St. Conrad Giving Society.
  • Commemorative Gift
Brown Robe 2024
Saturday, October 12, 2024
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Zacchaeus Promise (20 included) $0.00

Footsteps of St. Francis (20 included) $0.00

Partners of Padre Pio (10 included) $0.00

Instruments of Peace (10 included) $0.00
Registration opens: Tuesday, June 11, 2024
Registration closes: Friday, October 4, 2024

I would like to make a donation

I authorize Capuchin Province of St. Conrad to use the credit card entered on the submission page at event Brown Robe 2024. Once the transaction has completed successfully, a confirmation receipt will be sent to the email address entered.